Why You Should Use Anti-Gel Additives in the Winter

Why You Should Use Anti-Gel Additives in the Winter

Winter is upon us, which means we must consider our diesel engines and how to best take care of them in these cold conditions. Often, long trips can hurt your engine if you don't properly care for it.

Let's examine why you should use anti-gel additives in the winter so that your next pre-trip inspection includes the right materials that'll help your diesel engine perform well.

How Winter Affects Diesel Fuel

When temperatures drop in the winter, diesel fuel solidifies more than other types of fuel. This is one of the most common weather-related issues drivers experience with their engines.

Diesel engines need wax to provide power and better responsiveness. But when temperatures reach below freezing (about 32 degrees Fahrenheit), the wax causes the fuel to gel and crystalize, blocking engine filters.

Reduces the Freezing Point

Although anti-gel additives can't warm the temperatures outside, they can drop the fuel's freezing point, reducing signs of freezing in the winter. Additives can also help decrease the cold filter plugging point (CFPP), making for a smoother fuel flow.

Use When You Add Fuel

As a preventative measure, try adding the anti-gel material to your gas chamber each time you fill up with diesel. If your engine fuel has already gelled, try to make an emergency stop and fill it with additives immediately to dissolve the gel and restore the flow of the material.

You Can Use Extra

A benefit of using anti-gel additives is that you can use them as much as you need to. It won't damage your diesel engine parts. This is why many commercial drivers put in the additives before they leave and throughout the trip, especially when their weather trackers forecast colder conditions.

Now that you understand why you should use anti-gel additives in the winter, be sure to examine your engine during rest stops to ensure it runs smoothly. This can help offset future engine issues and give you peace of mind on the road.